All enrolments to Harvey Primary School are processed by the school administration team. Click on the link at the bottom of the page and return the form to the school or via email, along with your child's Birth Certificate, Australian Immunisation Register statement and Proof of Address.
Special Needs
Parents/carers of students with special needs are asked to contact the school, at the time of enrolment, to discuss their child’s unique requirements. This will ensure that the most appropriate program is put in place to meet the needs of their child.
Overseas Students
Students who are not Australian Citizens must present their passport and visa grant notice at the time of Enrolment. Students born overseas, who are Australian Citizens, must present their passport. Some students on visas will be required to enrol through TAFE International WA.
Immunisation Records
The school must sight a recent (printed within 2 months) copy of each student’s AIR History Statement (immunisation records) at the time of enrolment. A child’s immunisation is expected to be up-to-date upon entry to school. These include Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and Tetanus. Immunisations can be obtained from your local GP or through the local Council Clinic.
Kindergarten Enrolment
Children can start Kindergarten when turning four years old by 30 June of the year they attend, if they are up to date with their immunisations.
Pre-primary is the first compulsory year of schooling and children attend five full days per week. Children commence Pre-primary when turning five years old by 30 June of the year they attend.
Student Records / Information
It is important that parents/carers advise the school immediately if there are changes of address, telephone number, emergency contacts or medical details. This will ensure that the welfare of all students is given the highest priority, especially in times of urgency.
Access Restrictions
Parents/carers are reminded that the School Education Act 1999 obliges parents/carers to inform schools of any Family Court Orders or other orders which are applicable to their children. The school must sight the original documents and all details are treated in the strictest confidence. Any changes to orders must be provided to the school as soon as possible.

Harvey Primary School
An Independent Public School